About Me

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I am a seeker of the truth. Honesty & Integrity are very important to me. I am a student of life who Loves to learn from Life and friends. I live by a system of values and honorable principles. I am a harmony seeking idealist. I am keen to understand others,and what makes them tick.I seek ways to improve my mental ability.

Monday, 7 June 2010

CPS Sketch 170 inspired card

Good Afternoon everyone. What a dark and dreary day it is. But I wont grumble as we have had some beautiful weather. And besides it gives me an excuse not to go out, which means i can craft all day. YES!...I can't think of a better to way to spend my day other than with my boys.

I have a few cards I hope to get posted today.

My first card is from http://cardpositioningsystems.blogspot.com/2010/06/reader-ideas-week-of-6610.html

Here is this weeks sketch from the Card Positioning systems.

And below is my card that I shall enter into the challenge with.

Hope you like my creation. Comment anytime, I would love to know you dropped by
Leave me a comment so I can return the gesture and say
hi, snd look at your creations.
Happy crafting

Foxyenglishlass - Julie

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