About Me

My photo
I am a seeker of the truth. Honesty & Integrity are very important to me. I am a student of life who Loves to learn from Life and friends. I live by a system of values and honorable principles. I am a harmony seeking idealist. I am keen to understand others,and what makes them tick.I seek ways to improve my mental ability.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Ode to my Wife, the Stamper

Ode To My Wife, The Stamper

Author Unknown
She learned to stamp on Monday
Her embossing was quite fine.
She forgot to set out dinner,
So we went out to dine.
She brayered backgrounds Tuesday
She says they are a must.
They really were quite lovely
But she forgot to dust.
On Wednesday it was birthday cards
She says that chalking's fun.
Shading, blending, and watercoloring.
But the laundry wasn't done.
Her card swap was on Thursday
Using green and blue and red;
I guess she really was engrossed,
She never made the bed!
It was shaker cards on Friday
Using techniques she just adores,
But she never seemed to notice
The crumbs on all the floors.
I found a maid on Saturday!
My week is now complete
My wife can stamp the hours away;
The house will still be neat.
Well, it's already Sunday,
And my forehead's feeling damp.
I cursed, I raved, and I ranted. . .
The MAID has learned to stamp!!

I like this. I hope you enjoy it too.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015


New candy on offer. see end of posts or visit http://scrapartbyladye.blogspot.co.uk/

Visit the above blog for more details.

The candy will run until 3.04.2015 and I'll announce the winner on Easter Sunday 5.04. :

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Mind Body Soul - Art Journaling

In just a few more days my NEW and FREE and AMAZING e-class begins!! This Monday, June 3rd"Being Me: 52 Weeks of Soul Searching and Loving Me" starts and I can't wait!! This course is straight from the heart, Girls. I am putting every little piece of ME in this class. The idea came about because I was sick and tired of looking in the mirror and seeing a stranger look back. When in the world did I become so frumpy and cynical and mad all the time?? Where had the fun and perky and sweet Leslie gone?? My energy  had all but vanished, eating everything in sight and not caring AND my creativity has been at an all-time low.

"Being Me" is for anyone wanting to add more light in their life. Be happier. Be healthier. Just Be. You will need a new art journal for this journey as well as a notebook or hard bound journal to jot notes in and answer questions. Just so you know I am a notebook kind of girl...spiral bound...college-ruled:)

Each week will have a Theme. Some of them include..."Making Lists", "Give yourself time", "Procrastination" and "What Do you long for?". I will have them posted either late Sunday night or early Monday morning. We will work one week on each theme...making journal pages, sharing in our facebook forum and doing anything else you are inspired to do (eat better, walk, clean out a closet, etc.).

This class is 100% free. Please share with your friends, on facebook, in your creative circles, etc. I want as many women taking this as I can!! We can all learn so much from each other!!:)

You do not need to sign-up...but it would be great to know how many of you right now are planning on joining us. Please let me know in the Comment section:)

Oh, also...do not get overwhelmed. You DO NOT have to do all 52 weeks!! You don't even have to art journal...just take the information and USE it in your life!!

And one more thing...so sorry for the new Comment thing...I hated putting that on here where you have to type letters and numbers before you comment but I was getting weird comments (SPAM) and it was annoying...so for now that will stay on:)

Girls...spread the word!! See you Sunday night!!! YAY!

PS...Please take my cute blog button that my friend Leanne made just for me!!! I would love for you to share!!:)

words written by scrapswordsmom

I am looking forward to this course.
Will you take a look?
Will you Join.?
If you do hope you have fun...

hugs Julie

Saturday, 5 May 2012

National Scrapbooking day

What is National ScrapBooking day?


 The first Saturday in May is National Scrapbooking Day!

 May 5, 2012 National Scrapbook Day was started in 1994 by the well-known album company, Creative Memories and is celebrated on the first Saturday each May. Since 1994 scrapbookers all over the county celebrate their passion for Scrapbooking on this day!

 There are even online groups petitioning the US Government to make National Scrapbook Day a federal holiday! To celebrate this wonderful day, all you need to do is gather a group of friends and scrap! How wonderful right?

 There are many events, sales and contests centered around National Scrapbooking Day, and our growing list of events is a great place to start your search for a local crop to celebrate NSD 2012!

 If you are hosting an event, a special sale or running a National Scrapbooking Day Contest or Challenge, we welcome you to submit your information to the National Scrapbooking Day Directory. Happy Scrapping Everyone!

Words taken from http://nationalscrapbookingday.com/what-is-national-scrapbooking-day/

Win a Custom Wall Decal at

What did you create today?

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Birthday Wishes

Sketch N Stash.

 Today the challenge over at sketch n stash is a Sketch challenge designed by Angie.


There are many birthday's today to celebrate.  I wish Ray Williams (an ex boyfriend) who is 42,
Chris Evans who is 45, My brother Mark Loring - who is 39, My nephew who is 14 and my Son's ex-girlfriend Lauren who is 17 today Many Happy Returns of the day to you all. I hope your day is memorable and filled with lots of love,laughter and fun.

I would like to share a card I made for the above challenge with you today.
The papers are from My Tim Holtz and Ranger Distress collection.
The image is from Paper shelter digital images

Both have been in my stash for a while but I have not got around to using them.

Here is the card. It has the words Ray Punk written on the front. Ray was a punk in his youth and the image of the cockatoo made me  think of him.. I thought it was very apt.
It was a colour image that I re coloured using my Copic markers. I then added a glaze over the image.
 I distressed the paper. using my distressing tool from the Tim Holtz's range of products.

He was very pleased with the card.

Thanks for viewing this post.
hugs Julie.

Update - as usual I didn't manage to get it in the challenge on time. Maybe next time?


Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Pearl Tree's and Magnolia fans

Good Morning Ladies.
 Have you discovered Pearl Tree's yet? If you haven't I bet your wondering what I am talking about.

  Pearltrees is a way of helping you to organize the web – visually.

  Pearltrees is a new visual bookmarking tool that utilizes a mind map-like interface to help you to organize your web page shortcuts in a much more intuitive way than the typical browser bookmark list.

 It also enables you to connect with other users who share similar interests, which places it in the same camp as other social bookmarking tools.

But Pearltrees is different – very different.

 Before I can explain how it works, we first need to get a bit of terminology out of the way:

 Pearl: A pearl represents a link to a web page.

 It’s more than that, however. It’s an interactive object that you can move around your visual map.

 You can also share it with others who “pearled” the same content and discuss it.

 Pearltree: A pearltree contains other pearls

. The closest analogy is to think of it link a folder that you can use to store pearls/URLs.
 Like a folder, you can expand and collapse it.

 I have created a pearl tree Connecting All Magnolia/tilda challenges.

You can scroll through each challenge and through each member of the design team with a click of the mouse.

This will save you lots of time, giving you more time to craft.

Check it out and let me know what you think.

magnolia card


hugs julie


Christmas Challenge #23 sponsored by Hein Design

Good night Ladies. It is nearly time for me to go to bed, as my pillow is calling.Before I go I would like to share with you a card I made for the Christmas Challenge (with sketch). The challenge is sponsored by Hein designs.

The challenge is White on white.

image from Lily of the Valley.co.uk.


I coloured the image using pencils.

The sketch to follow was designed by Nicole.

Thanks for viewing.
Hugs Julie